Featured on PDR in the collection A Young Daughter of the Picts (ca. 1585)

Originally thought to be one of John White's drawings from his 16th-century Virginia expedition, this colourful miniature is now attributed to the French artist Jacques Le Moyne. It does not show a North American native as first thought but rather imagines an early inhabitant of the British Isles, a member of the Picts, a group of people who lived in what is now modern-day Scotland during the Late Iron Age and Early Medieval periods. As Lisa Ford from the Yale Center for British Art notes, the image was most likely "intended to remind readers that early natives of the British Isles existed in a savage state similar to natives in the Americas". Although the Picts are often said to have tattooed themselves, there is little…

Also appearing in the collection…

A Young Daughter of the Picts



ca. 1585

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