Oculate Being Mask (300 BC-AD 1), from Peru, South Coast, Paracas (Cavernas) style (700 BC-AD1), 300 B.C. to A.D. 1 This rare mask incarnates a supernatural being who may have been the patron of an early fertility cult on Peru’s south coast. Its traits insinuate power, especially the stuck-out tongue and the serpents that slither over the face to form a halo-like corona. Unexplained are the shape of the nose and the small figure wearing a similar mask. The mask could have served as the face of a mummy bundle or an object; the projecting eyes might rule out use by a living performer.

Featured on PDR in the collection Highlights from The Cleveland Museum of Art’s release of more than 30k images of public domain works

Last week The Cleveland Museum of Art announced the release of more than 34,000 digital images of public domain works — all high resolution and totally free from restrictions on reuse (using the Creative Commons Zero designation). Founded in 1913, the museum is renowned for the quality and breadth of its collection, which includes more than 61,000 objects and spans 6,000 years of achievement in the arts. Here we've picked out some of our favourites from a few hours browsing the public domain collection (which didn't get through nearly half of what is on offer). In addition to images of 2D media we've also included at the end a smattering of objects, including a wonderful array of masks.

Oculate Being Mask

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