“Movement of cosmic vital force modulated in a psychodic aerolith by the human will with an elevated intention. It is not the human Somod which projects an image made with its own fluidic body, as in the production of a psychicone by thought; it is a thought which acts on the Universal Psychod, and models it in a form of light and of Intelligence.”

Featured on PDR in the collection Imaging Inscape: The Human Soul (1913)

In The Human Soul: Its Movements, Its Lights, and the Iconography of the Fluidic Invisible, originally published in French in 1896, Dr. Hippolyte Baraduc (1850–1909) postulates the existence of “the fluidic invisible” — a “vital cosmic force”, which he calls Odic liquid, that extends across the universe and “saturates the organism of living beings and constitutes our fluidic body”. Instead of all things being composed of one elementary substance, as in philosophical accounts of the monad, in this cosmic vision, we all live in a sea that we cannot see, which Baraduc names Somod.

“Movement of cosmic vital force modulated in a psychodic aerolith by the human will.”





The Human Soul

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