Detail from Petrus Slovacius' Allmanach auff das 1581 jar, with an astrological key.

Featured on PDR in the collection The Zodiac Man

If you read the broadsheets, tabloids, or periodicals, you may have noticed a recent trend. “Why are Millennials So Into Astrology?” asked the bewildered Atlantic in 2018. The Guardian found the issue compelling enough to publish two different articles on the subject three days apart. A year later, the New Yorker featured an exposé on “millennials who see no contradiction between using astrology and believing in science”. And the New York Post wrote that “millennials are flocking to astrology”, failing to note its own horoscope section. Even the Financial Times could not help commenting on stargazing’s “strange rebirth”.

Zodiac Man




Allmanach auff das 1581 jar

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1400 x 1045

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